Live 12 brings new ways to explore who you are as a music maker.

Kick-start melodies and rhythms with MIDI Generators, and take them off the beaten track with Transformations. Whip up wild sound experiments and shape the results as you go with Meld, Roar and Granulator III. See everything you need with Stacked Detail Views, find the sample you’re looking for with Sound Similarity Search, and much more .See all the new features.

If you want to try the Live 12 public beta, you can now join the waiting list – it may take some time to receive access, so we kindly ask for your patience.


Reshape MIDI patterns

Apply a variety of simple or complex variations to your MIDI clips with new MIDI Transformations. Add ornaments and articulations, draw acceleration and deceleration curves, connect successive notes and chords, simulate the strum of a guitar, and more.


Generate inspiration

Conjure up melodies, chords and rhythms with the help of new MIDI Generators. Set constraints and let your chosen Generator create playful and original ideas for you to develop and turn into your own.


Do more with Max for Live

Try out additional Max for Live Transformations and Generators that give you deeper ways of working with MIDI, or go even further by building new ones.


Embrace and explore tunings

Follow your preferred tuning systems or try different ones more easily. Work outside the 12-tone equal temperament system, and access tunings with Live’s devices as well as any MPE-capable plugin.


Stay in key

Choose a scale in Live’s Control Bar to see its notes in any MIDI clip you create. Then transform or generate ideas within the confines of the selected scale, or sync the scale of MIDI devices and instruments to the clip being played.


Edit MIDI more easily

Use keyboard and mouse operations to edit MIDI in new ways. Split a note in two, or chop it into several parts. Select a set of notes and join them together, or make them fill a selected time range. And access more tools from the Note Utilities panel on the left.


Modulate more flexibly

Stay in control of a parameter, even after it’s been mapped to a modulation source; Max for Live devices like LFO, Shaper and Envelope Follower now let you freely adjust a destination that’s being modulated.


Lose yourself in Meld

Live’s new MPE-capable synthesizer is designed for sound variety, playfulness and character. Equipped with twin oscillators and an extensive modulation matrix, Meld excels at textural soundscapes, harmonic and atonal sounds, and rhythmic drones.


Add color with Roar

Bathe your sound in subtle warmth – or break it down with wild distortion. Live’s new coloring and saturation device is made up of three saturation stages for serial, parallel or even mid/side and multiband configurations, and its built-in compressor and feedback routing give you even more ways to shape your sound.


Get expressive with granular synthesis

Granulator III, the latest version of Robert Henke’s granular synthesizer, introduces expressive control that lets you bend notes and add vibrato and glissando. Plus, you can now capture audio in real time and start manipulating it immediately.


Set up to stay focused

Use Live’s Mixer in Arrangement View to get more information and control without moving to Session View and breaking the flow. Toggle the visibility of each Mixer section to fit your needs, and benefit from improved readability and feedback.


See everything you need

Take advantage of Live’s new Stacked Detail Views to see more of what your track’s doing at a glance. Display the Clip Editor or automation and device parameters at the same time as the Device View, so you can work without repeatedly switching between views.


Search with tags

Make sound selection easier with the help of Live’s new tagging system. Sound content now comes labeled in the Browser with instrument categories and helpful musical descriptors – and if you want more tags, you can create your own.


Find sounds that fit

Try Live's new Sound Similarity Search to find sounds with similar characteristics to the one you're working on. Start with a sample and tell Live’s browser to find comparable sounds and instrument presets, with the help of a neural network.


Instantly replace drums

Swap all the samples in your Drum Rack for similar ones to quickly try out new percussive textures – like a drum machine with seemingly-infinite kits.


See all new features in Live 12